Thursday, July 7, 2011

Seriously Thursday

I haven't blogged in almost a week and I was not going to because I am feeling foul, but I remembered it is Thursday and this particular Thursday is the definition of "seriously thursday". So I rant. Again. Promise I will be positive again soon. killer drama. I don't even want to put this on my list, but I mean. Hello. Casey Anthony. The most disgusting part is that she will be rich in a week on some crazy book deal... or porn....that was mean, sorry.

Seriously...Kingsley has fleas. AGAIN. We bombed our house, cleaned everything, I vacuum daily. He has been flea free for 3 weeks. We thought it worked. WRONG.

Seriously...can someone give me or my hubs a 20k raise? Yes? Ok thanks.

Seriously...I am currently on SIX daycare waiting lists...going to visit another one this afternoon and calling a lady who keeps kids. All of the daycares look at me with sad puppy dog eyes that seem to say "you have no chance". The daycare I liked the least doesn't even have an opening until next July. What?!

Seriously...went to the eye doctor this morning and he tells me I have spots all over my eyes. "Has no one ever told you this?! This is not good for a 23 yr old. I hope you have just had them your whole life...why has no one told you this?! They are cataract spots. I'm sending you to a specialist." What.the.hell. Is today real???

Seriously...and it keeps getting more real...went home for lunch and my computer is a blank white screen. Nice. Call Dell. Sorry your warrant is up, you will have to pay to take this call any further. No thanks.

Needless to say, my mama wants me to come home to B'ham and take a mental health day tomorrow. I know I need it. Sometimes you need to put your big girl panties on a deal with it and sometimes you need to clutch tightly to Tigger (or your stuffed animal of choice) and cry to your Mama. Hopefully my boss is cool with it. Baby G doesn't need this stress. It is not healthy. I need to pull it together for reals.

The link was being real funny so I couldn't link up....but the real-seriously thursday-deal is Becky's blog.


Heather said...

Awww...I'm sorry you're having such a rough time of it!! I can't believe daycares are that far booked! Insane.

Nicole said...

I think you deserve a mental health day for sure!

Jill said...

Kaitlin, this breaks my heart. When it rains it pours right? I feel ya. Please go to bham, snuggle with Tigger, and cry to your Momma. I am seriously praying for you!

Megan said...

Yikes, poor thing!! Praying for some better days!!

chasingzebras said...

For sure you need a break!!! That all adds up to a seriously crap-tastic day :( Hope tomorrow is better.

Amanda said...

I would give a 100k raise if I could! Hopefully you can have a nice relaxing weekend :)

Mateya said...

I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!

It seems like when crappy stuff happens it all piles on at once but somehow it always gets better! Happy thoughts :)

Dale and Holly said...


I encountered the same thing with Daycares all the way up in Minot, ND. The answer is to perservere. Call every week AT LEAST and be a pest. They'll work you in. :) Hope your week gets better

Dale and Holly said...

Also, by the way, I was a Chi-O in Kristen's pledge class, so even though we've probably never met, I feel like I know you so I stalk your blog, and your blog posts are really just hilarious so you put a smile on my face every time you post discussing your precious family.

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